Jumat, 15 Mei 2015


The implementation of a well-applied visual identity is a determining factor in reinforcing a good brand. Visual identity in a brand, or brand identity as it is also known, comprise verbal and visual elements which are then applied to various visual 'devices', such as letter heading, name cards, folders, packaging, and many others.
Even though it has a significant role, brand identity is only one representation of a brand, and not the entirity of the brand, though many people wrongly interpret the logo as the brand.As in the example, when a consumer is choosing between one brand of shoe product and another brand of shoe, there are several aspects which influence the consumer to buy a particular brand of shoe. Of course it's not just from having a captivating brand logo, or even the frequency that logo appears in public media, but consumers also think about quality, design, price and many other aspects. It is these aspects that develop a brand, and that brand is represented by a name, logo and visual devices as a brand identity.
So that the spirit and essence of a brand can meet their target in an effective, efficient and long lasting manner, the brand identity must have a spirit which fits the brand and the target users. Brand identity must also communicate a message of its own brand essence. And most importantly, a brand identity must be easy to remember. flexible, and have a differentiation between the brand and its competitors.
Within a brand identity. generally there are several components. These components have a specific function and use, each different from the others, but mutually supportive in their use as a means for consumers to get to know and understand a brand. Following is an elaboration of the various types of components of a brand identity:
1.       Brandmark
A brandmark is a graphic sign or emblem which is different from others and aims to represent a brand. A logo makes it possible for a consumer to get to know a brand immediately. It is used by commercial companies, organisations, and even individuals. Logos can be in the shape of a graphic symbol (symbol mark) or come from the name of the brand (logotype).
A brief history of the logo
Logos were first introduced by the ancient Greeks and Romans. At first, a logo was only used as a sign of ownership on a person's property and cattle at that point in time. Logos or trademarks began to develop in the Middle Ages, because in that age trades people began to develop. Even logo design began to experience development and have aesthetic value. In the 3rd Century, beautiful logos began to be used for commercial use.

2.       Colour Configuration
Colour plays an important role as one of the visual elements, because colour itself can represent various aspects. and symbolize cultural and social aspects without needing to use a specific shape as a symbol. Colour can also differentiate one brand from another, as in the example of telecommunications service providers in Indonesia who each use a different colour as a visual element which is easy to remember by consumers.
3.       Typography
The definition of typography in general is an art and technique in arranging letters, designing types of letters. and modifying the shape of existing letters to create a specific character. Typography forms a ke yelement of brand identity, because it forms a verbal representation in a visual form.
The character of a piece of typography in a brand identity develops a specific image which represents the main concept of a brand identity, that's a logo. Typography used in a brand identity has 2 types; firstly,typography which is used in a brandmark, and that which is used to support communicatin within a brand.
4.       Photography
Photography is not always used in the application of a brand identity such as name cards, letter heading. packaging, and so on. However, in creating a brand identity, photography is very important in supporting consistency in communicating a brand, especially the concept of advertising a brand. As in the example of Blackstone. a private equity fund company, which always displays photographs of a group of people with the style of executives, posing with the property they are investing in in the background.
The various explanations above form various examples of the standard components which are commonly applied to a system of brand identity in the form of print media (also often called collateral and electronic media. And the components above can be added to. according to the rapid pace of development in the current era. 

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